Saturday, August 18, 2012


Today marks a day on the calendar that I have been thinking about for a few years but not knowing what to expect. Today a family that has become family to me is getting ready to embark on a journey that many of us don't understand or I would say wouldn't do. My good friends or should I say best friends are leaving to Albertville France to learn French with there four boys. This is their first stop before heading to Chad (look it up if you don't know) to become full time missionaries at College of Evangelic. Where Danny will be teaching school, bible and sports to some amazing children.

This day that we all have been waiting for has a certain feel to it. I am excited to see my friends leave the American dream and live for Christ but I am also terribly sad. This friendship has come to me by God's grace. About 5 years ago my wife was praying for a close girl friend. That is when God answered her and our prayers by giving her Dawn. Who would  have known that during these years I too would gain a friendship in Danny. A friendship that I never expected. A godly man, a true father, leader, husband, and a friend.

Friendships are not easy and they take work. But this friendship was different. Over the years we learned to lean on each other, trust each other, cry with each other and be accountable to each other. By doing this I have grown substantially. Angela and myself have seen growth in our marriage, how we parent, how we relate to each other and in our walk. It has been a true blessing that I praise God for. It is from him that we have had this opportunity to grow and be challenged. We have a long way to go and it will be hard here with out them around or at our house for weekly meals or in our life group but I know that Christ is stronger and he will always be there for us.

So my question for you is where is your hope? I learned this past weekend from another close friend that maybe I put my hope more in my friends than in my relationship with Christ. I am not saying friendships aren't good or that I am not grateful for this. What I am saying is that my hope needs to lean more on Christ. He is my hope and he is always there.

As we turn this page in this Chapter in Life I just want to say some words to my friends as they leave. As I write this and the tears start to flow I just want to say thank you! Thank you for being the bestest friends I could have dreamed of. Thank you for loving us in our dark moments. Thanks for pushing us to be challenged. Thanks for leading us by your example. Thanks for being yourselves! I love you guys so much and look forward to our future when you come back for a year on leave, when we come to visit (Which could take us 10 years with this many kids but we do plan on coming) or the day we are in heaven praising our God and his glory together!

With all my love and support I pray for safe journey for you and the rest of the family and look forward to the many days of online chatting, reading your blog (here is the plug: snail mail, or whatever it might be!

Love, Peter

Ephesian 1: 7-10: In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace,  which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight  making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth.

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