Tuesday, August 14, 2012


First off I want to say welcome or in french "bonjour!"

This is my first attempt in the blogging world. I am not that good at writing not that funny but great at missed spelled words.

I decide to start a blog to capture some of my thoughts or thoughts from others. I seem to follow a few blogs and seems like something I might have fun doing. Feel free to follow or not. Doesn't bother me at all.

I hope you all enjoy this and I look forward to expressing my thoughts and maybe guest thoughts too. So feel free to follow or pass onto others.

Your friend,



  1. What are you talking about Peter, you are very funny! (and entertaining)! I have a blog too but it is private, not sure when I'm going to "go public" with it yet... Love you!

    1. Thank you Ashley. Don't get fried like a goat today:)

  2. Oh, Peter my friend! You KILL ME!! You misspell the word "misspell"!! Man, that's funny. Nice work on being unintentionally hilarious! :o) love you man. Oh, and you should move this puppy to wordpress. not that i'm biased or anything... but, of course i'll follow you!

    1. I looked into wordpress and doesn't that cost money? And yes I see what I did and didn't know that. Hope this brings many more laughs to you. Love you man!
